GEODATA – A new master course

OSUC will launch GEODATA, a new Master’s course in the fall of 2024, as part of its Master’s diploma, Earth, Planetary and Environmental Sciences (Master STPE). The diploma is offered by OSUC as a part of the University of Orléans. GEODATA aims to train specialists in environmental data, covering in-depth knowledge of the whole data cycle, from acquisition to modeling, interpretation, and publication. BRGM and INRAe are partners of this course, bringing their expertise in geoscience and environmental database management.

This course, nested within OSUC’s master’s program, is a part of the project ‘MINERVE’, a training initiative of the FRANCE 2030, attributed to the University of Orléans. It means that GEODATA participants can access to the educational resources developed for MINERVE, such as the potential allocation of competitive scholarships in the first year (M1), and the opportunity to pursue the second year (M2) through a combination of laboratory research and industry-based internships.

STPE master’s course of OSUC is an education program of ‘MINERVE‘, which is a funded project of FRANCE 2030 ‘ExcellencES sous toutes ses formes’ (loosely translated as ‘educational excellence in every way’) obtained by l’Université d’Orléans. This implies an access to the new education facilities and services developed for the project. It also supports the scholarship program for master’s student (bourses d’excellence en M1), and provide a framework to acquire double internship (M2 en alternance) in academic research and industry. These initiatives implies the flexibility to interact with other master’s programs of the university, meaning that it will be possible to take classes in other department depending on the necessity of individual career plan.